Hiring Portal

Getting the right people on the team is critical for startups. Our HR manager at ColorHub needed a tool to organize a lot of information in a centralized place, and to streamline the hiring process for both himself and our potential hires.

I used Knack, a custom database builder, to create a hiring portal for both external applicant and internal manager use.

Process Overview
- Met with HR director to understand what information needed to be captured from applicants
- Sketched out structure and flow
- Made revisions based on feedback from HR director
- Built out database pages
- Tested with a group of users and made changes based on feedback
- Continuous improvements and additions as needed

– Submit an application
– Save and edit in progress applications
– Copy an application to easily apply for another position
– View previously submitted applications

– View applications by position
– Mark their initial interest level in the applicant and capture quick thoughts
– Send an interview invite (either phone or in person) via email with the click of a button
– Request references which are then submitted directly to the portal
– Track application statuses
– Get a quick overview of how many applicants are in each phase of the hiring process